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Summer Festival

Hellerwork Session 11

Live Event

June1-2, 2024


Fluid movement
rooted in love

Jun 01, 2024, 8:00 AM
McCloud Dance Hall


Join us for an unforgettable weekend exploring the most unique of the Hellerwork sessions, session 11. Our elite practitioners are set to take you on a journey deepening the relationship within yourself and giving you the tools to empower your clients.


Due to the recent passing of Joseph Heller to make the CEW more affordable we are reinstating early bird pricing until registration closes May 30th

Early Bird:

Hellerwork Members $395/Non Members $495

(Includes breakfast items, snacks, and 2 days of presentations)

Who is this for:

- This event is open to Structural Integration Practitioners, Somatic Practitioners, Movement Educators, and License to Touch Practitioners (200 hour minimum training).

Help with rides and rooms:

- When you register for the event you will have the option to signup for being connected to other registrants to coordinate ride sharing and room/house sharing.





Meet your Presenters

More about your classes

Due to the sad passing of Joseph Heller, a memorial is being planned. This may result in and extension to the day on June 2. All update will be made as soon as they are finalized.

Day one June 1st

8:00 AM - 8:45 AM Registration

After you register you will enter the room in silence to find a seat or on the floor to experience binaural beats. This was a staple in early Hellerwork trainings to encourage arriving, grounds, and opening.

8:45 AM - 9:20 AM “Closing the circle” with Kim Ilig

The “closing of the circle” is about setting the container and we are all going to do it together. Before the CEW you will be receiving a few questions as a means for introspection and taking inventory. This is derived from a similar inventory used my many practitioners at the beginning of a Hellerwork series to revisit at the end of the series to acknowledge changes. We will be revisiting this inventory on day two.

9:20 AM - 11:00 AM Joy Carey Physio-synthesis

Joy Carey will then be leading us in a movement practice of Physio-synthesis. This work originated from Amy Cochran who was a student of A.T. Still. Amy was a student of Osteopathy, but also a midwife. In working in the poorer areas of Chicago she realized that osteopathy could really help women after childbirth. She came up with Physio-synthesis to help women “put their bodies back together” after childbirth. She travelled the world to find more about alignment and posture from different cultures. She worked for about 30 years on perfecting Physio-synthesis.


She taught a few women to teach her work. One with which is Lucille Coughran who was the teacher of Joy’s teacher, Cathlyne Talevich. Amy Cochran also taught Ida Rolf. The movement practice is training the intrinsics to be stable & initiate movement, while the extrinsics release to gravity.

11:00 AM - 11:15 AM Break

11:15 AM - 12:45 PM Regina Buckwalter: Embodied Love: The Fluid Line

Regina Buckwalter will be taking you on a transformative journey guided by over 44 years of extensive training with prominent teachers such as Emily Conrad D'Aud, Gabrielle Roth, Liz Gaggini, Judith Aston, Dr. Brugh Joy, and currently Dr. Sue Morter in Energy Medicine.  You will delve into the exploration of Love as the potent energy of transformation, fostering Structural Integration and Healing when allowed to flow freely throughout our bodies.


In this immersive course, participants will delve into the profound realms of the body's three major centers: Belly, Heart, and Brain. Through experiential exercises, discover areas of restriction and blocked energy within these centers, initiating the vital flow and communication between them. These centers, aligned with the chakras, hold the keys to unlocking qualities such as Love, Compassion, Creativity, Wisdom, Abundance, Calm, Support, Connection, Joy, Personal Power, and Grounding.

12:45 PM - 2:15 PM Lunch

2:15 PM - 4:15 PM Dan Bienenfeld and Lauren Roxburgh

Dan and Lauren with their long standing history in Structural Integration will be combining their extensive knowledge of empowering the client to work with and understand how enroll clients into self care and embodiment through a combination of exercises.


They will also be talking and allowing practice for some modern and effective ways of speaking, demonstrating, and embodying self care with clients.

Break for dinner and memorial prep


6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Joseph Heller Memorial


Day two June 2nd

Space will open at 8:30 AM for those who wish to move and ground themselves before the start of class, please arrive by 9:20 AM

9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Joy Carey Physio-synthesis introduction continued from day one

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Don St John: Embodiment in Relationship

In a Hellerwork session 11 class, participants can expect to deepen their understanding of embodiment and refine their skills in guiding clients through this process. They will engage in experiential learning activities, including discussions, demonstrations, and paired exercises, aimed at enhancing their ability to facilitate transformative bodywork experiences. By the end of the class, participants will have expanded their repertoire of techniques and approaches for supporting clients on their journey towards greater embodiment and well-being.

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch


2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Dan Bienenfeld and Lauren Roxburgh class continued from day one


4:00 PM - 4:15 PM Break

4:15 PM - 5:30 PM Kim Ilig Session 11 themes and "Opening the circle"

Speaking and interactive experience exploring exploring the gold of the session 11. We will explore empowerment, completion, coming out in relationship with the shadow aspects of session 11. What keeps us from completing something? The stressors resistance, and the why in the resistance. Is it all in the name of protecting our vulnerability and this is why we are not vulnerable at the end of something? 

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